Cleveland Racial Discrimination Attorney

Have you been discriminated against, subjected to a hostile work environment, or retaliated against for speaking up? If so, was it because of your race? If it was, you need help from a Cleveland racial discrimination attorney at Bolek Besser Glesius LLC to protect your rights.
If you are reading this, you already know that racism and discriminatory practices still plague our nation’s workplaces. Sometimes it is obvious—like when a co-worker, manager, or supervisor uses racial slurs. But race discrimination can also be subtle, like a workplace policy or practice that looks neutral on the surface but in reality has the effect of discriminating based on race.
What are the race discrimination laws in Ohio?
Both Ohio and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, personal characteristics associated with race, or association with a person of a certain race (for instance, people in an interracial marriage or with a biracial child).
It is illegal for employers to make employment decisions based on race. Some examples we see in racial discrimination cases include:
- Refusing to hire a qualified person because of his or her race.
- Disciplining a person of color more severely than a white co-worker for the same conduct.
- Holding African American, Latino, or Asian employees to higher standards of conduct than white employees.
- Denying employees of color the training, necessary equipment, or benefits given to white co-workers.
- Giving employees harder or worse job assignments because of race.
- Paying employees of color less than their white co-workers for the same job.
- Giving promotions to lesser qualified candidates instead of a more qualified employee of color.
Hire a respected racial discrimination lawyer
We have represented countless Ohio employees in all types of race discrimination cases. And we get results. As just a few examples:
- An African American employee whose co-workers displayed nooses in the workplace while the company looked the other way.
- A police officer passed over for promotion even though he scored higher on the test than the officer of another race who got the promotion.
- An African American truck driver allegedly fired for a workplace violation although his white co-workers did the same and were not even disciplined.
- An Asian American physician discriminated against by her supervisor because of her race.
- A hostile work environment case on behalf of employees at a major car dealership subjected to the worst racial slurs imaginable by supervisors and then fired on trumped-up claims for complaining.

We won’t tolerate racial discrimination in Ohio workplaces and neither should you. If you believe that you’ve been subjected to race discrimination or a hostile work environment it’s important to get help from a racial discrimination attorney who can go toe-to-toe against the lawyers the company surely has. And you have come to the right place.
The lawyers at Bolek Besser Glesius are well-respected for their skill, dedication, and integrity. Every single one of our lawyers has received the prestigious Cleveland “Lawyer of the Year” award for employment law from US News’ The Best Lawyers in America. We’d be pretty surprised if you can find another Ohio employment law firm who can say that.
Attorney for race discrimination cases
With more than 70 years of combined experience in employment law, our Cleveland racial discrimination lawyers are devoted to justice for you. Contact us today for a free consultation to meet with an experienced, understanding racial discrimination attorney to discuss, and defend, your rights.